10 grunde til at skifte til en menstruationskop – og aldrig se sig tilbage

10 reasons to switch to a menstrual cup - and never look back

Most women use disposable pads and tampons during their period, but did you know that these products often contain large amounts of plastic and harmful chemicals? In fact, disposable pads are made up of up to 90% plastic, and they can be filled with synthetic materials such as bleaches, perfumes and binders. This can lead to irritation, itching and allergic reactions. Fortunately, there is an alternative: the menstrual cup . Here are 10 good reasons why you should consider switching to a menstrual cup – and never look back.

Do you also want to get rid of plastic, chemicals and harmful substances in your menstrual products? Give the menstrual cup a try today and experience the difference. Buy your Goddess Temple menstrual cup here.

What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a small, flexible cup that is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood. Instead of absorbing the blood like tampons and pads do, the cup collects it.

How is a menstrual cup used?

To use, the cup is folded tightly and inserted like a tampon without an applicator. Once in place, it opens and creates a vacuum that prevents leaks. To remove the cup, gently squeeze the bottom to break the vacuum and pull it out horizontally to avoid spillage. The blood can be flushed down the toilet, but at the Goddess Temple we encourage you to pour it into a cup of water and then give it back to nature or to a houseplant as a tribute to your cycle.

Now you know what a menstrual cup is and how to use it. Here are the 10 advantages of choosing a menstrual cup over traditional products:

1. Better for the environment 🌍

Every day, a large number of disposable pads and tampons are thrown away, and most end up in landfills or in the sea, where they pollute nature for many years. A menstrual cup is reusable and can be used for up to 5-10 years. This means that you can drastically reduce your waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

2. Financial savings 💸

Although a menstrual cup may seem more expensive at first purchase, you save money in the long term. A cup from the Goddess Temple costs between DKK 103, but can be used again and again for up to 5-10 years if you take good care of it and clean it thoroughly. This means that you can save thousands of kroner instead of buying disposable pads or tampons every month.

3. Less risk of infections 🚫

Many disposable pads and tampons contain harmful chemicals and synthetic materials that can disrupt the natural balance of the vagina and cause irritation, itching and fungus. The Goddess Temple Menstrual Cup is made of 100% medical silicone, which is free of chemicals and does not absorb liquid. This means that they do not change your vagina's natural pH balance and reduce the risk of infections.

4. More comfortable and practical 🌸

A menstrual cup can be used for up to 12 hours at a time, which means fewer visits to the toilet and less hassle during the day. The cup collects the blood instead of absorbing it, which many women find more comfortable and natural. In addition, you don't have to worry about threads hanging out or odors that can occur with tampons and pads.

5. Greater capacity – fewer shifts 💧

A menstrual cup has a much larger capacity than tampons and pads and can hold up to three times as much blood as a normal tampon. This means you don't need to empty the cup as often, even on heavy bleeding days. While tampons and pads often need to be changed every 4-6 months. hour, with a menstrual cup you can go up to 12 hours without having to empty it. It gives you more freedom and flexibility in your everyday life.

Tired of frequent changes and worries about leaks? With a menstrual cup you can have more freedom in your everyday life. Find the right size and get more time for yourself - see our size guide here .

6. No chemicals and additives 🌱

Most tampons and pads contain chemicals, bleaches and perfumes which can be harmful to the body. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, are made of medical silicone and are free of harmful substances. This makes them a healthier choice for you and your body, as you avoid exposing your delicate intimate area to potentially dangerous substances.

7. Perfect for sports activities 🏃‍♀️

Regardless of whether you run, swim, do yoga or another form of sport, the menstrual cup can keep up. It stays in place and doesn't leak, so you can focus on your training without worry. You also don't have to worry about unpleasant situations that can often be experienced with tampons or pads.

8. Easier travel experiences ✈️

With a menstrual cup, you don't have to worry about running out of tampons or pads while on the go. It takes up almost nothing and does not require frequent replacement, which makes it ideal to take with you on trips. In addition, you create less waste, which makes it easier to be sustainable even when you are away from home.

9. Fewer leaks and worries ✅

When correctly inserted, the menstrual cup creates a vacuum that prevents leaks. This means you can feel safe and secure, even on heavy menstrual days. Many women find that they have fewer accidents and feel more secure than with traditional products such as tampons and pads.

10. Increased connection to your body and cycle 🌺

Using a menstrual cup gives you a unique opportunity to become more aware of your own body and cycle. Many women find that they are actually bleeding less than they thought when they see the amount in the cup. This can be an eye-opening experience that changes your perception of your period. For those who wish to delve deeper into the spiritual connection to their cycle, one can create a goddess altar. Pour your blood into the Goddess Temple's beautiful copper sacrificial bowl and use the altar as a place for reflection and self-love. When the time is right, you can choose to donate your blood to nature or a houseplant as a way of giving back to the earth. This ritual can be a beautiful way to connect with your cycle and Mother Earth.

Disadvantages of the menstrual cup: What you should be aware of

Although the menstrual cup has many advantages, there are also some challenges that it is important to be aware of. Here are some of the most common drawbacks and suggestions on how to deal with them.

1. Use with IUD

The vacuum from a menstrual cup can potentially affect an IUD. If using an IUD, it is important to be careful when removing the cup, making sure to break the vacuum first by gently squeezing the cup. If necessary, talk to your doctor about how you can best use the two products together.

2. Requires practice

It may take time to learn how to insert and remove the cup correctly. If you already use tampons, it may be easier to get used to, but remember that it should never hurt. Take your time and try different folding techniques. Practice at home until you feel comfortable with it.

3. Nuisance from the vacuum

Some women experience discomfort from the vacuum, but this can often be remedied by finding the right size. At Gudindetemplet we sell three different sizes, and if you experience discomfort, you can try a smaller size, such as x-small, to get a better fit.

4. Emptying in public toilets

It can be challenging to empty the cup in public toilets without a sink in the cabin. Here you can wipe the cup with toilet paper or use a small bottle of water to rinse it. Alternatively, you can use disinfecting wipes specially made for menstrual cups, which can help in emergency situations.

5. Choice of size and fit

Finding the right size can be difficult at first. An incorrect size can lead to leaks or discomfort. The Goddess Temple offers three different sizes, so you can find the one that suits you best. If you experience leaks or discomfort, you can try a different size – for example, a smaller one if the cup feels too big. Visit our Menstrual cup guide & size guide here .

6. Cleaning and maintenance

A menstrual cup requires regular cleaning and sterilization after each menstrual period. Use the Goddess Temple Menstrual Cup Sterilizer or boil the cup in a pot of boiling water to ensure it remains hygienic. If you are on the go, you can use special cleaning products or wipes for quick cleaning.

7. Not suitable for all women

Although menstrual cups work well for most people, they are not always the best choice for all women. If you have special medical conditions such as endometriosis, a low-lying cervix, or have undergone pelvic surgery, using a menstrual cup without discomfort can be challenging. For some, insertion and removal can be painful and the cup can feel bothersome. If you experience repeated problems with discomfort, pain or difficulty using the cup, you may need to consider other options, such as organic pads or tampons that are free of harmful chemicals and plastics. The most important thing is to find a solution that suits your body and your needs so that you can feel safe and comfortable throughout your cycle.


Switching to a menstrual cup can seem overwhelming at first, but the many benefits make it worth a try. Whether it's for the environment, the economy or your own comfort and health, there are many good reasons to give the menstrual cup a try. So what are you waiting for? Get your menstrual cup from Goddess Temple today – and you'll probably never look back!

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