Collection: Womb care

This category offers products for feminine care of the vulva and vagina that support different life stages and challenges such as menopause, dryness, childbirth and menstrual discomfort. The products in this category go well together and are all good to have in the tool kit for a sensual woman. Our selection includes natural tightening methods, ingredients for increased sex drive, tools for more comfortable sex, the famous Pussy Butter™ for vaginal dryness, yoni steam herbs and spiritual items that remind you of your power and changeable nature as a woman.

Feminine care

In this category you will find the best products for creating feminine care rituals for the vulva and vagina. The products go well together and are good to have in your tool kit for a sensual woman.

Pussy Butter™ – Add luxury and well-being to your vulva care

Perhaps you've already heard of Pussy Butter™, which is one of our most popular products. Designed to support the health and well-being of your vagina, this luxurious and nourishing cream is made with only the best ingredients. Click the link here to see more and be inspired to add this amazing cream to your vulvar care routine.

Yoni steam herbs – Discover the importance of female reproductive health

If you are not familiar with yoni steam herbs, you can look forward to discovering what they can do for your body and mind. These herbs are specially formulated to support your female reproductive health and bring balance to your abdomen. Our selection of yoni steam herbs is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality and effectiveness.